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Seeing 11:11 Repeatedly and Also 10:10

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Why do I keep seeing 11:11 repeatedly and I've also seen 10:10 - what does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It means when you look at the clock at those times then you remember seeing that particular time.

Most likely, you make a special mental note about the fact that you are looking at doubled numbers. When a number (or event) is given more mental attention than other numbers (or similar events), then the one given the most attention is most likely to be remembered.

Unless you give a certain time more attention, then the times existing at other instances when you look at the clock are not remembered.

If you saw 12:12 and made a mental note about what you see, then you probably would remember that, too.

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