Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Number 37 Has Shown Itself to Me
My birthday is [date removed]. The number 37 has shown itself to me over the past year and now more consistent the last couple of weeks where addresses, phone numbers, rugs, clocks...etc. I am very curious as to what this means?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Seeing ones birthday numbers is actually quite common.
When a person sees a certain number more often than seems normal, and the person wonders if there is a personal meaning associated with that, then the person sees that number even more often.
Here is what happens:
People see many numbers during the course of a day. Sometimes they see one that they especially notice — your birthday number, the number 37, in your case. When that happens, a bit of extra mental attention is paid to the number.
Because the number was notable, it was remembered as having been seen — even when no other number is remembered as having been seen.
After that happens a few times, the person is more sensitive to the number and is much more likely to notice it again whenever it is present in their environment.
It is not that the number is showing itself to a person. It is that the person notices the number. The number doesn't do anything but exist.
A number is notable when it has personal meaning, emotional significance, or it is composed of digits in a certain order or sequence that attracts attention.
Now, when a person starts to think there may be an esoteric reason for seeing the number, or that it means there is a personal message, then the emotional significance of the number rises.
And then the number is seen and remembered even more often.
The meaning is that it's a memory trick. The number 37 is just one of the many numbers you see. Because you remember seeing it and don't remember seeing the others, it seems as if the number 37 must have special significance.
For more information about that, see the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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