Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Consistently Seeing 12:34
For some time now, I have consistently been seeing the time 12:34 on what feels like a daily basis. I have read through the basics about the number, however I know the significance of the name and birth date, and hoped to learn more about my personal involvement with this sequence. I thank you and appreciate any information you can provide.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number can represent a circle or a cycle. The digits composing 1234 are in sequence. When 1234 is reduced to a single digit, the result is the number 1, the first digit of 1234.
Short descriptions of the essence of the digits within 1234 are:
1 – Starting and leading.
2 – Cooperation and diplomacy.
3 – Artistic expression and socializing.
4 – Method and foundation.
By the time the sequence gets to digit 4, a foundation is being built. From that foundation, the cycle on the next level can begin.
I hope that way of looking at the number helps. You would be better able to determine what it means to you than anyone else.
I see no correlation with the number 1234 (nor the numbers 12 or 34) in your numerology chart.
I do see the number 11 in three of the four most major positions. Thus, it is no surprise to me that you are interested in the deeper meaning of things. See the article about the essence of the number 11.
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