Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
123, Then 1414
First, I see the number sequence 123 EVERYWHERE. On clocks, road signs, license plates, price tags, you name it. They're all at random times though. My youngest son [name removed] was also born on [birthdate removed] at [birth time removed]. I read that if and when I see it that it means I'm on the right path of life, but sometimes I'm not so sure haha! This one is the most eerie to me. Today at work I had an eerie feeling that something was gonna happen good or bad. I calculated something that ended up with 1,414. It was on a whim but caught my attention. Later on I had to enter info on the computer subtracting numbers and such and it totaled to 1,414,400. I thought that was so strange! Then I look at the clock maybe a couple minutes later to see how much time I had left at work and it was 4:14pm. I just sat there and knew it had a meaning and didn't know what to think. Please help explain. =)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When a person sees certain numbers repetitively, it can seem that they must mean something. We, I mean humans, have a long tradition of numbers meaning things.
Depending on the person, certain numbers or sequences of numbers may be noticed more readily than other sequences. Like your 123. When the number is associated with other things in the person's life, they seem to be noticed more readily.
Once a number is noticed and seen as remarkable or as something of a mystery, that number is highly likely to be seen again and again.
There's something about a mystery that the mind can't let go of until a satisfactory answer or meaning is found — which draws a person's attention to the number again and again whenever the number is present in the environment.
The number 123 is associated with your son's birth date and time. You've adopted a meaning provided by someone else, although it seems to be less than wholly satisfactory.
Numerology can determine meanings of numbers. Determining personal reasons why certain numbers are seen it's not so good at. The reason may be simply because there's a mystery about a synchronicity or the reason may have deep personal significance. Numerology isn't the right tool for that; but a psychic or tarot reader may be able to help.
In numerology, the number 123 relates to home, family, harmony, beliefs, and parenting, with a bit of independence and self-determination thrown in.
The response to a question about the number 0123 may help you find personal meaning. The articles at the index to seeing repetitive numbers articles may also help.
You may be more sensitive to number 14 than other numbers because of it's association to with the current year, 2014. Thus, a period of repetitively seeing 1414, 1,414,400, and other numbers containing 14 can begin with seeing such a number that elicited wonder or mystery.
The number 1414 is a highly independent number. It's self-determined, self-sufficient, and focused.
I don't see the numbers 123 or 1414 anywhere in your numerology chart. Perhaps the above will help you find meaning anyway.
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