Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

1, 2, 11, 22, 12, and 21

I was [name removed] at birth, name was changed at age 8 years. My partner is [name and birth date removed]. Since meeting my partner in Oct 2013, I see combinations of 1 and 2 everywhere. We first came together when Saturn entered its position at my time of birth. I am now 8 months pregnant. Saturn will leave my birth sign at the time of the baby's birth. I see 11.11 12.12 22.22 21.21 21.11 11.21 etc. and combinations of ALL the time. I especially notice this when I am communicating with or thinking about my partner. The baby's first name is Aaron, either [full name removed] or [full name removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

The digits 1 and 2 are in several places of your numerology charts.

Before I mention where they are, let me provide some links to those numbers and the 2-digit combinations they can make:

As you see, the meanings of the numbers are quite different from each other. Yet, in their 12/21combinations they are creative and get along well.

Your partner's destiny number is 2, derived from the number 11. His personality number is 22.

In numerology, every letter is represented by a number, in your partner's name there are 2 letters represented by the number 1 and there's 1 letter represented by the number 2.

The letter "a" is represented by the number 1. Thus, your baby's first name begins with 1 and 11.

Your numerology chart, the destiny number is 1. And your life path number is derived from the number 12.

One of your challenge numbers is the number 1. Your third pinnacle cycle is the number 11. And your third life period cycle is the number 22.

Because like attracts like, and with all those numbers 1 and 2 and their combinations in your numerology charts, it's no wonder that you're noticing those numbers in your environment as much as you do.

I wish you and your family the best of all there is.

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