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Seeing the Number 27

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My ex and I broke up about a month or two ago, but I can't help but feel like we still have connection of some sort, as if we're drawn to one another no matter what. Her birthday is on the 27th and that number keeps appearing on clocks, receipts, license plates, etc. I was wondering why I keep seeing her birthday number appear? We broke up because she felt as if she lost feelings for me, but recently had said that she still does have feelings for me, but they're not as strong as before. Although I had said we could work on things, she stated that she did not want to rush anything between us. I also do not want to rush anything between us, but I can't help but feel as if seeing the number 27 is a sign for something.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Of all the numbers that a person is exposed to during the course of a day, sometimes one sticks out. It sticks out because when a number is noticed more than other numbers it is more likely to be remembered than are the other numbers.

The reason a number is noticed more than other numbers is because it has a personal meaning, an emotional significance, or is constructed in a unique way (perhaps a different design or perhaps sequential or mirrored digits like the number 1221).

Because you remember seeing the number 27 so much, it is a sign that the number has personal meaning to you or has emotional significance. Wondering why you see the number gives it even more emotional significance, which is likely to cause you to remember seeing the number even more often.

For more information, see the Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article for more information about that. And also Why You See Certain Numbers All the Time.

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