Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing 911 or 11:09 Repeatedly
I have been seeing the number 911 (or 11:09) repeatedly for a while now. I have always been very concerned, looking for the answers online, asking student tarot readers, etc…. Yet haven't found an answer. It feels like every time I look at a clock, or a math equation, or some random thing, these numbers follow me. Is it in my head? Or is there a certain meaning behind them?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
"Yes" to both questions. It is both in your head and there is a meaning behind them.
When a person sees a certain number and wonders about it's meaning, there's some mystery associated with it. Where there's a mystery, there tends to be a compulsion to solve it. When there's a compulsion to solve it, the mystery tends to stay in mind, perhaps subconsciously, and the person tends to notice related things more often than would normally be expected.
The meaning of any number can be determined with numerology. Actually, it's the vibration the number represents that can be determined.
The number 911 is psychic and spiritual and concerned with the welfare of the world. Similarly with 11:09, except 11:09 is more inclined to do things about it and less inclined to just exist within a concern.
What it means to you personally, if anything, will need to be determined by you. The "seeing the same number" articles may help.
Once you've determined whether or not it holds any special meaning for you and, if yes, what that meaning is, you'll be able to notice 911 and 11:09 without wondering what it means. It should then bother you a lot less or not at all.
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