Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

11:11 Most of the Time

I see 11:11 most of the time, 11:00, 11:01, 9:11, 1:11, 1:01 and I am confused now. Means somehow no. 11 I see daily either twice or thrice. I have been seeing these numbers since 1 year. What to do??? Please help me!! Somewhere I have read about 11:11 phenomenon but not clearly understood. I need a better explanation please.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Different people have different opinions about the 11:11 phenomenon. I'll stick with the numerology meaning.

Both the number 1111 and the number 11 are good numbers.

Your destiny number is the number 11. There are 11 letters in your name. And your current personal year is the number 11.

Therefore, it appears you are predisposed to noticing the number when it's in your environment to be noticed.

Feeling a need to find out why you're seeing the number has tended to direct your conscious attention to the number even more than it would otherwise have been.

If you feel there's more meaning than a predisposition to seeing the number and the strengthened draw because of the associated mystery, the articles linked from the seeing numbers repeatedly page may be able to help.

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