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Seeing Birth Date Numbers, 30th Birthday
Lately it seems like every day I look at the clock at 11:07 morning and night. I'm thinking this is probably just a reaction to my 30th birthday this year that I'm struggling with so those numbers stick out to me, but could it be something more?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
You have good numerological instincts. Yes, you're most likely seeing those numbers because they are your birthday numbers and because they have personal meaning.
Many numbers are seen through the course of a day. The numbers that are remembered generally are the ones with personal meaning or emotional significance.
Because your 30th birthday is significant for you, you're much more likely to remember seeing numbers associated with it. Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again explains how that works.
A couple aspects of your numerology chart relating to this year you may be interested in:
Beginning at the first of this year, your second life period cycle became effective. It's number is the number 7. The number 7, among other things, is introspective and a good solver of mysteries (a wonderful skill, because 7 feels a compulsion to unravel enigmas).
Your second pinnacle cycle also began this year. Its energy is represented by the number 4. The number 4, among other things, can be highly focused on accomplishing specific goals. One of its goals is to build or enhance a secure foundation for the future.
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