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444 and 1234 and Guardian Angel

I was a premature baby born almost 3 months early and given up for adoption. My name was changed to [name removed]. I have a St. MICHEAL tattoo and always see 444 everywhere. I don't know why I always see 444 and 1234 everyday, everywhere, street signs, addresses, clocks, interstate signs, food packages, prices on items I buy. I don't know why, but it puts me at peace. What is my guardian angel trying to tell me?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, traditional numerology calculations don't apply to the concept of guardian angels.

However, the energy represented by the numbers you're seeing do have meaning. Whether or not the meaning is what the guardian angel is trying to say will need to be your determination.

It's wonderful that seeing the numbers puts you at peace.

The energy represented by the number 444 resonates with, among other things, creative expression and building a secure foundation for the future.

The energy represented by the number 1234 resonates with, among other things, independence and self-sufficiency.

The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article may also be of interest.

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