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The Number 69 For 7 Months
I have been seeing the number 69 for almost 7 months. It first started in the end of June where I would just look at the temperature gauge in my friends car and it would just happen to be that number. Then one day I went to my friend Kevin's house and one of his friends Mario put two cards down on the table that were a 6 and a 9 and told me we should go do something. After that my friend Pete bought be a cancer lighter and when you pressed the side 69 shone out of it. My friend Kev who I was trying to get with went to jail in September. I thought he was dead, so I decided to look him up online to see if he was really there. When I did the ending of his jail number had 669. He got out on December 6th nine days early. The only day I got a 69 as a lucky number on a fortune cookie and I get fortune cookies a lot was the day he asked me to hang out. I was freaking out to my friend Richi one day and he told me to add up Kevin and I's phone numbers and it just happened to equal 69. A! little while ago I was dating this guy and he put our names in some relationship generator and it came out as 6.9 compatible. I ended up breaking up with him and was out with my friend Brandon who brought me to a hotel and as we were leaving it said 169 weekly in bright red letters on the side of the building. On the way home we passed Kevin's old apartments and the beginning of the phone number was 669. Whats it all supposed to mean and does it have anything to do with Kevin? His birth name is [name and birth date removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 69 can be said to be a mirror of the symbol for the concept of yin and yang. Dualities embrace each other.
Melissa, the only 69 I found in your numerological profile is the individual digits — the first of your pinnacle cycle numbers is the number 6 and the second is the number 9. The 6 for eight more years and then the 9 for nine years.
Numerology pinnacles are helpful vibrations. The essence of the pinnacle's number is infused into your life during the pinnacle's cycle.
The number 6 is a number of healing, harmony, and family.
The number 9 is a number of completion and holistic and is said to represent humankind.
I saw no instance of 69 in Kevin's numerological profile.
Both you and Kevin have a life path (birth date) number 7. Many of the answers in your lives will come from the ancient wisdom accessible within yourselves.
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