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Seeing Certain Numbers After Father Passed Away

My dad passed the day before Easter in 2016 and ever since his passing, it seems like every time I look at a clock/time, I always seem to catch my birthday numbers 124. (January 24). Until now, I've always thought it was just coincidence, but after reading all types of articles online, I'm now scared. I just don't see them at a particular place, it just seems that no matter what I may be doing, I'm going to see 124. It does make me smile when I think about all the times that I have seen it since he passed, but it makes my nerves bad. I mean I'm afraid I won't be able to pick up the message, or misinterpret it. It also doesn't help that I have ADHD so it makes thinks a little harder. I've always been interested in spirits and ghosts, and in the apartment I'm in with my boyfriend and his daughter, there always seems to be some kind of movement of things that shouldn't move because they are secured on a table or washer and then they fly off on their own... things I've all noticed as well after his passing on top of the fact that I don't have closer. The last time he saw me, I was throwing up in his grab can in the bedroom he was in at his house. Every time I think about it, I get so emotional, because that was his last memory of me. I'm so traumatized by it. It's a very heavy burden. So, is there a way you can help me understand what's going on with all theses signs? Is it bad? Good? Please help if you can! Thanks for your time.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, it's certainly easy to get scared when perusing the various interpretations and reasons why that you find online.

(If there was a message from a spiritual being, they would just go ahead and give it to you. They wouldn't torture you by making you guess and wonder if you're guessing right.)

The most likely reason you keep seeing the number 124 is because you wonder why you keep seeing it.

Yes. Really.

When you wonder about something, especially something that seems to have the power to affect your life, it sets up a mystery in your subconscious. Because it seems to affect your survival, those types of mysteries are imbued with a need to be solved.

In order to assist its solving (by providing all the information about it that's possible to provide), your conscious attention is pulled to the number 124 whenever it's in the environment to be seen.

Understand that there are lots of numbers in your environment. You notice many numbers in passing, some with more attention than others, but ones you rarely remember seeing. Except when it's 124, then your attention is pulled to it with full focus. And it's 124 that you remember seeing — every time.

And that's really all it means.

Because seeing the number 124 seems to you to have such a huge potential to affect you and your life, you keep seeing it. And the more you see it, the more dire it seems the effects could be.

Yet, there's nothing dire about it except that you keep seeing it because it seems it surely must be dire.

The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time page talks more about how that works.

Your current pinnacle cycle number is the number 6. It will be the number 6 for another year.

Your current life period cycle number is the number 6. It will be the number 6 for another ten years.

The number 6 represents energy related to, among other things, home, family, and responsibility. Responsibility doesn't need to include things there is no longer any control over. Just the present. Memories are precious. But they're not the current life.

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