Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Me and my boyfriend see 5's everywhere!


Ever since me and my current boyfriend have been going out the number five seems to appear everywhere. I bought him a CD in which the song I wanted him to hear was number five and he did the same for me our birthdays are 5 months appart my my first and middle name both are 5 digets and his middle and last name are 5 digits on my cellphone it put him on for speed dail on its own for 5 and same for him and several other things.... does this mean anything???

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In your name I see there are five letters with the value 1 and five letters with the value 5.

In his name I see there are five letters with the value 5 and five letters with the value 9.

The birth dates you provided didn't have the year included, so I couldn't run numbers for your life paths.

The number 5 is a vibration of trying many things at least once, to meet all different kinds of people, to cherish changes because of the opportunities to experience something new.

One thing that is most certain about the 5 — things will change. And many or most of them will be good because the outlook of the 5 is so positive.

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