Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
My daughter has 11's and ll's
My daughter is 10 now, but I always thought it was cool that when she was born everything had double L's or 1's. For example, both [first and last] names have double L's and she was born on January 11th, at 11 minutes after midnight. Does it have any special significance?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 11 is visionary with enlightenment for self and for others as a goal.
The numbers in her name and birth date support that idea. How much she can accomplish will be deterimined at least in part by how well she is able to direct and manage enterprises and people. She has the talent, but at least some education is necessary. Schooling and internships in areas of business management can help.
The letter "l" vibrates with the number 3, which is a creative number. Your daughter has five 3's in her name (the fifth 3 being the letter "c") which, along with the number 9 (a humanitarian number), are predominant. The characteristics of those numbers are available to her whenever she wants to have them at hand.
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