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Seeing 22 Minutes After the Hour
I keep seeing 22 minutes passed the hour every day, yesterday for example, I just happened to see it at 10:22, 11:22, 1.22 and 3.22. My second son was also born at 11:22pm in 2012. Can you please tell me if there is a meaning behind this? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your day of birth is the 22nd and your son was born at 22 minutes after the hour. This seems to make the number 22 highly meaningful to you.
When a number is meaningful, you remember seeing it.
Of the many, many numbers you see during the day, you remember seeing the 22. The rest escape from your attention.
Your current life period cycle number is also the number 22 (it will be twenty years before that number changes).
Although seeing a number that's also in you numerology chart may be insufficient to encourage your conscious attention to remember seeing it, with the other meaningfulness associated with the number 22 it's much more likely.
See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time to read more about how that works.
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