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10:46 Recurrently

I see my birth time 10:46 recurrently both morning and night. I do not focus on these things and each time I happen to look at the time I see the exact time. What does it mean? This has been going on for some months now.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It appears your subconscious is directing your conscious attention to a clock in your environment whenever that particular time is now.

One reason it might be doing so is because seeing that time has you wondering if it means something. The mind doesn't like mysteries and is likely to direct your attention to the very things you wonder about.

The sequence of repetition may have started when you saw 10:46 and recognized your birth time and, perhaps, wondered if it means anything. Which set up the mystery.

Your personality number and your life path number are both derived from the number 10. And there are 10 letters in your name. Those numerology chart correlations may provide an additional attraction to noticing 10:46 as often as you do. (10 is a wonderful number, by the way.)

See the What Does this Number Mean? questions category for responses to many questions that refer to the number 10.

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