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11/11/11 and 17 and 19

Is there any significance to this? I met my new boyfriend on 11/11/11, his name is [name removed], his birth date is [birth date removed] and 11 is his favorite number, also our anniversary is [#]/19/11. I see 19 and 17 a lot and the 19th is my ex-boyfriend's birthday as well which [#]/19/[#].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

One thing to consider is that every day has it's own numerological meanings. Many things happened on 11/11/11, as happens on any day. Some happenings may have been significant because they occurred on that day. Others would have had similar significance even if they occurred on a different day.

Meeting a significant other is almost always significant. The day is significant because it is the day it happened. If it had happened on another day, that other day would have been significant.

The above notwithstanding, numerology can be used to determine a certain type of significance for events and timing of events. See why certain things happen at certain times.

Your Numerology Number 11

On the date 11/11/11, your numerology pinnacle was the number 11. (Your pinnacle number still is the number 11 and will remain 11 until the end of year 2013.) The numerology pinnacle number is determined with calculations on the birth date.

Because the numerology pinnacle number is derived from the birth date, it has more to do with a person's life path than with character.

A full human life has 4 numerology pinnacles, one at a time. They are large cycles, each cycle with its own number. The first lasts from 27 to 35 years. The second and third last 9 years each. The fourth lasts until transition.

A numerology pinnacle cycle provides an extra boost and direction to a person's life path. The number 11 in this position opens ideas related to spiritual reasons for things, also working with others to teach by example.

His Numerology Number 11

Your boyfriend's has a numerology heart's desire number 11. This number is determined with calculations on the vowels of the name.

Because the numerology heart's desire number is derived from the name, it has more to do with character than with life path.

The numerology heart's desire is something deeply felt and either consciously or unconsciously strived for. The number 11 in this position brings a desire for spiritual understanding and for honest companionship.

Meeting on 11/11/11

With the number 11 in common, it was a natural occurrence to meet on a date with the number 11 in it. The date with more than one 11 would have had more attraction.

But it could have been any date with an 11. The date 11/11/11 was convenient, so that's when it happened.

It could also have been on a date without an 11 in it. You have other numbers in common, each with their own attractions.

Attractions are only attractions, a condition where something is more likely to happen. But it certainly is not required to happen in that way. There are many possibilities in life. Rarely, perhaps never, is there only one right choice.

The Numerology Number 19

When a person is aware of certain numbers more than other numbers, the certain numbers will be seen more often than the others.

There are many, many numbers in the environment. Too many to notice them all. The numbers a person is predisposed to noticing will be noticed most.

With the number 19 in the two significant dates you mentioned, and with your current numerology pinnacle predisposing you to noticing things with non-physical connotations, it is unsurprising you see the number 19 all about.

Your Numerology Number 17

Your day of birth number 17 is probably the reason you see 17 in your environment more than most other numbers.

The number 17 reduces to the number 8 (1+7=8). Your numerology name number is 8 (generally referred to as the destiny number). And your numerology personality number is 8.

Get a free numerology reading to see what the 8 means in those positions. Pretty good stuff.

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