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Seeing the Number 16 Everywhere
I've been seeing number 16 everywhere. I do not know what it means. All I know is that in 2003 I broke up with my long time bf on 16. I am married now. I am paranoid and scared that the same thing is going to happen?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology essence of the number 16 is independently finding answers within.
Just because the number you're seeing is the number of the day you broke up with a boyfriend in the past doesn't mean they have anything to do with each other except by happenstance being the same number.
A number has different meanings depending on where it is applied to. The essence of the number is considered along with the circumstance the number is associated with.
For the past breakup, it was the number of the day. Because the day was a universal day, it was a day when many people of the world felt either alone or wanted independence and looked inward for answers.
For seeing the number in your environment repeatedly, 16 means introspection and a connection with the ancient wisdom within.
My feeling is that you are being reminded to look inward for the answers you are searching for. Not from a point of fear, which often is self-generated, but to satisfy personal curiosity, for arriving at a point of certainty, and to verify answers other people gave you. You may reveal astounding things to yourself.
Let me mention this. The more you wonder about why you're seeing the number 16 and the more scared you are of the fact, the more you are likely to see the number again and again. See the seeing a certain number repeatedly article for how it can be so.
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