Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
601 and Life Changing New Job
Hello I have been intrigued by Astrology and became fascinated by numerology of late especially when I got a job fairly recently and noticed that the suite no 601 was the same as the house I grew up in. I knew something was different about this place. Knew something was meant to happen there... I developed this intense crush on my supervisor. Anyway there is another suite for the organisation, where I do most of my work that no is 403. I have another job and I realise that the suite no is also 304. My name adds to a 7 and my crush as well his is [name removed for privacy], I don't know if he has a middle name...What does all this 7 mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The vowels of your name reduce to the digit 6. The consonants reduce to the digit 1. And, as you've noted, your name reduces to 7.
Thus, 601 can represent your entire name. The 6 for the vowels, the 1 for the consonants, and the 7 (which 601 reduces
It's no wonder you are attracted to the number 601.
304 and 403 also resonate with your name because both those numbers and your name reduce to 7. The number 601 more so, though, because its digits also resonate with additional aspects of your name.
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