Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing 11:35 Is Scary
Hello my name is [name removed], and I am from Ethiopia, the things I want to ask is, I usually see the time 11:35, I see this number like always and for real I am getting so afraid of myself cuz still don't get the meaning of that number, I also checked on the internet but I did not get any answer, and I thought maybe some of you could help me by telling me the meaning. Thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numbers don't have an intrinsic meaning. But they do represent things that have meaning.
In numerology, numbers represent energy. The energy can be interpreted for meaning.
Here are links to interpretations for the numbers you see.
- The number 11.
- The number 35.
- The number 11:35.
The energy a number represents is the same whether you see the number or don't see the number. Also whether it's seen by you or by someone else. Seeing a number doesn't change its meaning and the meaning doesn't depend on who sees it.
People tend to remember seeing numbers that they have an emotional significance for. Just because they remember seeing them doesn't change the meaning of the number. But sometimes people think there must be a reason why they see the number.
The reason is that when they see the number they give it special mental attention because it is a number they have a special association with. When a number is given more attention at the moment it is seen, it is more likely to be remembered afterward. So the reason you see 11:35 so often is because you have already seen it and wonder why.
For more information about that, see the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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