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I See the Time 9:11 a Lot!
I see the time 9:11 a lot! And other times that end in 11 but mostly 9:11. It's really weird, confusing, and strange. It started about 2 years ago and has only gotten worse. Why do I always see this time? Please answers my questions. Thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because I see no major numbers 911 or its reduced versions (11 or 2) in your numerology chart, I can't use numerology to determine why you keep seeing those numbers.
But I do have a theory which seems to apply more often than not.
Seeing the number repeatedly and wondering about it sensitizes the subconscious mind to it. The subconscious mind directs your attention to the number whenever it's in your environment.
Number repetition can occur at any time. It's not that unusual. Numbers are everywhere.
When a person notices numbers in the environment, it's inevitable that occasionally repetition will be noticed.
When a normal repetition is noticed, the subconscious isn't necessarily sensitized to it. The sensitization occurs when the repetition is wondered about, especially if the mystery is assumed to have a bearing on oneself, like wondering if it has a special personal meaning.
Once sensitized, the number is noticed in the environment more often. Before, even though the number was present in the environment, it wasn't noticed that often.
All that isn't to say it doesn't have a special meaning for you. It very well might. Perhaps a professional psychic or tarot reader can help you with finding out whether or not it contains a special personal meaning.
The Index to 'Repetitively Seeing the Same Number' Articles may also lead to information that can be a great help to you.
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