Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412

OK, so my ex broke up with me about a year ago... and after our breakup, I've been seeing these numbers often. 11:11, 44, 21, 24... and anything that has to do with numbers 241, 412, 214... I think you get what I mean... then lately there is this additional number... 12:12 I don't know if this has anything to do with my ex, we've been talking lately... well more like weeks ago, that's when I see 12:12 or 1:11 more often. But these week we haven't been speaking that much... and I don't see those numbers anymore... what does it mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Happy Birthday to you.

The numbers your attention is being pulled to are combinations of the digits 1, 2, and 4.

In numerology, the number 1 represents self-sufficiency, independence, and leadership.

The number 2 represents partnerships, diplomacy, and sensitivity.

And the number 4 in numerology represents building for the future, reliability, and paying attention to details.

Have you noticed that all but two of the numbers you mentioned contain a digit 1? Some contain several digit 1's.

I don't see the numbers 2 or 4 in your profile as prominent as I see the number 1.

You have 8 letters in your name that represent the digit 1. That's more than twice as many 1's as any other digit in your name.

Your heart's desire (vowels number) is the number 1.

Your pinnacle (extra force during certain periods of your life) from birth to year 2015 is the number 1.

You, young lady, are about as independent as they come. You have the inner wherewithal to be self-sufficient. If you obtain adequate education and experience, you can be an effective leader. Exploration is something likely to hold excitement for you.

Perhaps the 2 and the 4 are numbers influenced by your ex, for I certainly don't see them as any major numbers in your numerology profile.

Let me mention two other things.

Your destiny (name number) is a 6, which has to do with home, healing, and harmony. Therefore, in spite of the predominate 1's in your numerology profile, you'll probably want to find a compatible partner to make a home with.

Your life path (birth date number) is an 8, perhaps the most powerful number in numerology. It means your life path resonates with ambition, perseverance, and success. You are a survivor and likely to accumulate wealth.

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