Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
7 Has Been Dominant Throughout My Life
My life path number is 2 but I was wondering what it meant that the number 7 has been dominant throughout my life. The month I was born, the month I got married, the day I was divorced was number 7. Number 3-7 was the day I hired in my work place. the year I graduated high school was 1974. Could you shed some light on this please. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your numerology power number is 7.
The power number comes into its strength around age 40, give or take a few years depending on the birth name and birth date calculations. In your case, it was year 1995.
The power number is indicative of what a person's life achievement is likely to be. For the 7, it is likely to be spiritual awareness with a philosophical outlook.
Previously, your numerology first life cycle was a number 7. The cycle lasted until year 1980.
With the birth month number 7, the early life cycle number 7, and the first latent and then emerged power number 7, it is unsurprising that the dates of important events tend to contain the number 7.
It is not a given for dates of important events to contain a 7. It is just a tendency. Other influences also exist.
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