Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Since late last year I would look at the clock and see 9:11. It became stronger since January this year. I decided to quit my job in December without having another to go to. Something I wouldn't normally consider. I also broke up with my boyfriend in December which I was very upset about. He has recently got in touch with a new phone number which has 911 in it (in the exact order). I have been offered a job out of the blue which would involve moving to another country. The flight is 911.
I'm very anxious about whether I should stay or go, if I don't go it would have a serious impact on my finances. Or maybe I should find a completely new path. Is it possible 911 has some significance in all of this?
I'd be grateful for your insights!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The spelling change of your first name changed your character profile considerably.
Before, your name and your heart's desire (vowel's number) were both oriented to finding answers within. The number 7.
After the name change, your name and your heart's desire are both oriented toward socializing and the creative arts. The number 3.
That change from one to the other, if it was recent, may account for some of the negative feelings you are buffeted with. Your ability to find answers within is not quite as easy as it used to be.
Your consonants number did not change with the name change, as no consonants were changed.
Your consonants number is 9. The number of letters in your name is 11. The relationship between those two numbers is not close. Probably it has little to do with your inclination to notice 911 whenever it exists in your environment.
The number 911 is not sinister. Just because it was used as a date for an act of terror does not taint the number itself. Some answers to questions about 911 are listed at the "What does this number mean?" index page.
Whether or not to take the job is more a question for a psychic or tarot reader than for a numerologist. At least without knowing the job title, location, and the names and birth dates of the key bosses.
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