Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Birth Certificate 11:11 Time of Birth

Image for 'Birth Certificate 11:11 Time of Birth' numerology answer

I have seen repeating 1s and the time 11:11 frequently as far back as I can remember. I recently came across my birth certificate and saw I was born at 11:11 am. Does this hold any significance?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Traditional Pythagorean numerology doesn't have personal chart calculations base on clock times.

A significance might be that you remember the birth certificate time because you already have a bias to noticing numbers composed of the digit 1. If the birth time had no digit 1, it is unlikely you would remember it in the same way.

Most people see many numbers during the course of a day. Some people remember seeing certain numbers and don't remember seeing the others.

The remembering occurs because, upon seeing the number, the person gives it special attention. The number is noted. Perhaps the person experiences mental activity of the "there it is again!" kind.

Because your first remembering of the number 1 when you saw it is so far back, you might not know why the number 1 was significant to you. Currently, the significance appears to be that you see the number frequently and don't know why. That mystery is enough to stimulate the extra mental attention when numbers composed of the digit 1 are seen. And then, of course, the fact of having seen the number is remembered.

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