Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
About the Number 43
My question is about the number 43. I see you have answered this same question before, however, I am a different person altogether (obviously) and wonder what the significance of this number is for me. I have been seeing this number everywhere I look. Clock, license plates on cars in front of me, addresses, etc. Literally everywhere. I am really curious to know what significance this number has for me. I'm hoping you can help. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your name has two major numerology chart positions with the master number 11, your personality number and your heart's desire number. Your current life period cycle is also the master number 11.
Please see both of these pages for meanings: Number 11 Meaning and Four meanings of the Master Number 11. Links in the index to master number articles may also be of interest.
With those master numbers present in your chart, it's highly likely that there will be various things you'll be wanting to find or determine the meaning of during your lifetime.
The number 43 is not in your chart and I'm unprepared to speculate why it's currently in your focus. Maybe reading about the meaning of the number 43 will clear it up for you.
Be aware that wondering about something, such as why you're seeing 43 so often, can itself predispose you to seeing the number more often. For how that works, see the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article.
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