Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing Numbers With Digits Repeated

Hello There. After suffering from depression for one year, my spiritual journey started in beginning of the year. I got interested in spirituality and quantum physics and started practicing meditation. This period is remarkably important in my life. From beginning of the year, I started numbers in my life like 11:11, 11, 22, 55, 99 and 77 to which one of my friends said that its angel sending me messages — on which I did some research. For more than 6 months now, the numbers I see most is 22, 222 with 911, 11 and 77 a lot and everywhere. Can you please help me interpret these numbers for me. Thanks so much. Love and light.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Near the bottom of the number meanings in numerology article, you'll find a list of links leading to separate articles for each of the numbers you quoted. ("11:11" is discussed as "1111".)

The separate articles interpret the energy the individual numerology numbers represent.

A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. Numbers with a personal meaning or significance and number that are different than most numbers so they stand out, those are the ones that a person most remembers seeing. From the list you provided, it appears the numbers you most remember seeing are numbers with the digits repeated.

The why people keep seeing the same number again and again describes that phenomenon.

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