Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

All-digits-match Numbers

I have been going thru a lot in my life and I mean a lot! And I have been noticing I keep seeing matching numbers on the clock, in phone numbers, everywhere! Example 1:11-3:33-4:44 and it just FEELS like ... something it's hard to explain. But there is an almost emergency feeling to figure out why. I have looked it up but the answers I find are for more like one set of numbers seen repeatedly an I am seeing ALL numbers matching. I HAVE TO FIND OUT WHY EVEN IF IT MAKES ME LOOK CRAZY. It's like someone or something is trying to want me. An so much major life changing things have happen since I have noticed this.. separation, death. A LOT. And I have to find out what's going on cause someone or something is trying to talk to me ... I can feel it. I just don't know what they're trying to say.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When life upheavals are experienced, it's natural to try to find answers; perhaps even feeling compelled to do so.

Seeing certain numbers repetitively, and wondering why you're seeing them, virtually guarantees you'll notice corresponding numbers whenever they're in your environment.

Occasionally, people see a certain number, or types of numbers, or certain numerical sequences for a period of time. If they start to wonder if it means anything, then they're likely to see it much more often.

It's the wondering part that does it.

There's a mystery. When there's a mystery, the mind is attracted to whatever it takes to solve it, which generally means attention being pulled to the very thing the mystery is about.

The longer the mystery persists, the more desperate the person gets to solve it, the more the person sees those numbers. The person can become frantic; and the more frantic, the more certain it is that the person will see every instance of every number that relates to the mystery — wherever in their environment the numbers might be.

See the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article for more information about how that works.

I'm unable to use numerology to calculate whether or not someone or something is trying to talk to you. In my opinion, if that was the case, they would just go ahead and say it, not give you a frustrating runaround.

If you're interested in the numerology meanings of the various numbers you're seeing, the number meanings index contains links to web pages dedicated to the meaning of certain numbers. If a number you're interested in isn't in the index, the numerology meaning of any number tool can be used.

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