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Seeing Birthdate Numbers 10 and 17

Many times I look at the clock I always saw 10:17 even night or day. My birth date is October 17, [year of birth removed]. Once I saw that time I keep on thinking about my birthday. But I want to know what does it mean, I am bothered really. What a coincidence that every night and day when I look at the clock I saw the 10:17. What is the meaning of this?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The narrative of your question is close to the entire defintion of what it most likely means.

People tend to notice and remember numbers with personal meaning or with emotional significance. The article, Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again, talks about that.

When people start to question why they are seeing the number or numbers repeatedly, or if they start being bothered by it, then seeing the numbers becomes a mystery.

When that happens, when it becomes a mystery, then the number is seen more often. Which of course deepens the mystery. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time goes into more detail.

This is what it means: The numbers you're seeing have personal meaning, which attracts your conscious attention when they're available to be seen. With personal meaning associated with the numbers, it makes it much more likely that you'll remember seeing them.

Because it bothers you, it's a mystery. And that directs your attention with more imperative whenever those numbers are present, and you will indeed remember seeing them — which deepens the mystery and makes you even more bothered.

It may help to read about the meaning of the number 10, the meaning of the number 17, and the meaning of the number 1017. (I think you'll like what you read.)

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