Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Birth Month 11 and Birth Day 12
For several years I see my birth month 11 and my birthday 12 on the clock. I was once told it was my Mother who passed years ago telling me hello. Is that possible or is it another meaning? Thank you for your time.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The essence of energies represented by specific numerology numbers can be interpreted. But calculating for personal meaning is outside the realm of traditional Pythagorean numerology (which I practice).
Generally, the reason a person sees (and remembers seeing) certain numbers is because the numbers being seen have personal meaning, are emotionally significant, or seem to be unusual (as in unusual repetition or patterns). The why you start seeing certain numbers page has more information.
In your case, the number 11 and the number 12 have personal meaning, being your month and day of birth.
Something happens right when a person begins to wonder if seeing the certain numbers has a personal meaning or message, especially if it's supposed the meaning or message may have a significant effect on their life.
They start seeing the same number or numbers even more often. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time describes why that is.
Wondering if it has meaning or assuming it has meaning creates a mystery. Mysteries, especially mysteries that may affect the person directly, seem to be something the mind must solve. So it tries to assist the process by directing the conscious attention to the numbers whenever they're in the environment to be seen. Thus, the numbers are seen even when they might not have been seen otherwise, or the seeing might not have been remembered otherwise.
Other than the birth date positions, the number 11 is in your chart as your destiny number (which is your name number). That might provide some extra attraction to the number. But the fact that 11 and 12 are your birthday numbers is most likely the real reason you're seeing those numbers as often as you are.
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