Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Meaning of 813 or 138
What is the meaning of 813 or 138? I see them and other number combinations all the time and would like some insight please. Thank you.
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The energy represented by the number 813 and the number 138 are similar. The energy of both resonates with creative expression. The 813 energy also includes significant resonance related to material acquisition. The 138 energy with significant resonance related to independence. Tap the links early in this paragraph for more information about the numbers.
Let me suggest that you see those numbers as often as you do because you wonder what the meaning is. You see many numbers. Unlike when you see other numbers, when you see those two numbers your make a mental "there is is again!" type of note or equivalent, somehow giving it a special notice. Giving the number that extra attention when you see it makes it more likely that you remember seeing it. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time has more information.
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