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Seeing Birthdate Everywhere After Mother Passed Away

My mother passed away [date removed]. Since then I've been seeing my birthday everywhere. What does that mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

People tend to see and remember numbers that mean something to them. Such as your birthday.

The numbers of your birthday existed in your environment before you started seeing them like you are now.

With the passing of your mother, perhaps your own birthday now feels more significant. It's likely the reason you now notice your birthday numbers more often.

Your heart's desire number is the master number 11. One of the energies the numerology master number 11 represents is resonance with things spiritual. That energy, in connection with your mother's passing and a reminder of your own mortality, may also have predisposed you to noticing your birthday numbers.

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