Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12 and 21
Meaning of numbers that I am seeing... for instance I will see 12 then I'll see the same number turned around as 21... this has been going on for 2 weeks... its with different sets of numbers... is there a meaning for this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably there is a meaning for you. Although a 2-week time frame is really not that long. A normal random occurrence could account for it.
(Normal random occurrence can have the same number come up again and again, for a while, then come up less frequently. You see this in lottery drawings.)
In numerology the number 1 is associated with self-sufficiency and independence. The number 2 is associated with teamwork and relationships.
The first letter of your name and the first vowel of your name are both the number 1. They represent a focus and desire of less force than the major numbers but are ever present nevertheless.
Your name number is 2.
Because the 1 and the 2 are interchanged by presenting themselves as 12 or 21 in the numbers you are seeing, it may be that neither the 1 nor the 2 are to be considered the most significant. The number with the most significance may be the total of the two. 1+2=3 and 2+1=3.
In numerology the number 3 is associated with art and groups. The outwardly seeming contradiction of the 1 and the 2 can result in great artistic expression. And, a group can be composed of both individuals and people in relationships.
Your personality number (name consonants total) is 3. Your challenge number is 3. And your current life cycle number is 3.
The personality number represents what people often receive as a first impression of your character. The challenge number represent an area of life that is or has been up and down, back and forth. The life cycle number represents the current focus or goals.
Again, your seeing 12 and 21 for only this short period may not have any special significance. On the other hand, it may be significant indeed.
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