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27 Is My Number

I guess you could say "27" is my number. So many things have happened in my life on the 27th of a month. Things from break-ups as an adolescent to deaths to finding out significant life changes. As a child I looked at the clock at 9:27 almost every night. I thought when I got older that maybe this revolved around a bedtime, but I did not have a set "bedtime." I would awake at 9:27, roll over at 9:27. My husband, whom I met around this same time in my life, has had the same occurrences with the number 27. He was 27 when we officially started dating. The first time we dated he was 17. His name is [name removed] and was born [birth date removed]. If you could shed any light on this I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll be turning 27 a month from tomorrow.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Cycles of 27 years duration also occur in your numerology chart. It's the number of years of your first pinnacle cycle, your first life period cycle, and your first challenge cycle.

Near the beginning of next year, the year of your 28th birthday, the numbers for each of those individual cycles will change.

Certain numbers seem to draw attention. Generally, they are numbers with personal meaning or emotional significance. Once attention is drawn, it tends to repeat. It's not that other things don't happen at other timings, but that these things and this timing are the ones that are remembered.

The number 27 doesn't occur in your husband's numerology chart like it does in yours. Events occurring in junction with the number 27 may be in resonance with you or, perhaps, they're coincidence.

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