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Seeing 12:34 Then 2:34
Question:, I have been paying attention to the numbers in my life that I continuously see for many years. Well, lately I keep seeing the times on the clock say either 12:34 or 2:34 almost everyday. For probably 3 months i kept on seeing the time 12:34 (day or night) every other day or even everyday. Yet, now I keep seeing the time when it say's 2:34. Like, I still see the time 12:34 from time to time but, now almost everyday I see the time when it is 2:34. The article on here that I just read said that it means that I have manifested harmony in my life. It makes sense because I am pretty peaceful regardless of all the "life changing issues" that I have had since September 2019 when the majority of my close friends moved to Florida. 3 months later my dad passed away and me and my girlfriend broke up, then Covid hit the United States and landed in 2 family members and 3 deaths of distant friends of mine last month. Then another close friend moved to Florida and several months later after my dad passed and then I moved my place of living. So, there seems like there has been alot of departure around me since Sept. 2019 Anyways, I added my birth date [date and calculation sequence removed] = 1990 1+9+9+0 = 19 ...and I am wondering why I keep seeing the time 2:34 nearly everyday after about 3 months of seeing the time 12:34. So, I wonder what that means with my birth date number being 19?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Although the way you calculated your birth date number is different than the traditional Pythagorean numerology method, you came out with the same number. The foundation number of 1990 is the number 1. See the How to Calculate Birth Date Numbers page for the generally correct calculation procedure.
Be that as it may, it is unlikely that your birth date number affects your seeing of 12:34 or 2:34. The exception would be if you are emotionally certain there is a connection, somehow, if it could only be figured out. In that case, the emotional connection to the numbers is likely to cause you to see 12:34 or 2:34 more often.
The reason some people see certain numbers a lot is because they make a mental note at the instant of seeing the pertinent number. It is more mental attention than they pay for other numbers. Therefore, they are more likely to remember seeing that number.
The numbers remembered are the numbers being seen. The numbers no longer remembered are the numbers no longer seen.
The clock time 12:34 has a unique construction. If you'll look through this site's responses to seeing numbers questions, you'll see 12:34 being asked about a lot.
A number with a unique construction, like the sequential 1234, is prone to be noted when it is seen. Thus, remembered.
The time 2:34 may be given extra attention for a similar reason. Or some other reason altogether. It is virtually certain the reason was because of a mental recognition, perhaps because of an emotional connection. Whatever the reason, it is subjective because mentality is subjective. It is your reason.
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