Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
A Problem With Numbers Containing Multiples of the Same Digit
I have a problem with multiples of the same number as in 5:55 o'clock or on any thing, but especially the clock. I feel uneasy when it happens.
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I suspect you feel uneasy and have a problem with it simply and only because it's an unsolved mystery.
And because it's a mystery, your conscious attention is pulled to them whenever that type of number exists in your environment. See the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article for why that is.
When numbers containing multiples of the same digit are seen, they receive additional attention. In other words, it's noticed. With that additional attention, the seeing tends to be remembered.
You see many numbers during the course of a day.
Often, on the same day and on subsequent days, you see some of the same numbers you saw before. However, because they're not remarkable or significant in some way, you don't remember the previous seeings. Because you don't remember seeing them before, it doesn't seem to you like you see them repetitively.
Numbers containing multiples of the same digit, however, have a remarkable quality, if only that the number is different than most others, and tend to be remembered. Because you remember the seeing, when you see the same number or type of number again, and then again, it suddenly seems like there must be a reason or perhaps if feels like you're being picked on.
It's no mystery anymore. The reason you're cognizant that you're seeing the numbers repetitively is because you remember seeing them before.
Your destiny number is the master number 11, which is the most intuitive number of all. That intuition would tend to make you more sensitive to anomalies or differences, which may be why you notice such numbers more than some other people do.
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