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Looking At the Clock When it Reads 12:34

I always seem to look at the clock when it reads 12:34. This has happened ever since I can remember and I've always wondered why I tend towards that number and what it means?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With your destiny being the number 8 and also your current life period cycle being the number 8, you're probably attracted to order and procedure. The time 12:34 would fit nicely into that concept.

But that probably wouldn't be sufficient attraction for you to notice it as often as you do. Perhaps, as 12:34 is the most order-representative of all clock numbers, but unlikely.

What is more likely is that after seeing 12:34 several times, you started to wonder why it's happening. Wondering about something sets up a mystery. A mystery compels the subconscious to assist in its solving. To do that, it tries to direct conscious attention to the subject of the mystery whenever it's available in the person's environment.

The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article explains the concept.

Neither the number 12 nor the number 34 are in any major position of your numerology chart. Which is why I'm thinking the above scenario is the most likely.

Have a look at the meaning of the number 1234. I think you'll appreciate it.

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