Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
10 and 4
I was curious as to what 10 and 4 bring. My boyfriend was born on 4/10, he weighed 10lbs 4oz, his mom was in room 104, he was born at 4:10.. and many other instances. Any insight?
Also, if you have time, what do you see for the future of our relationship? It's been tough, as we live 2 hours apart in different countries, full time students.
Thanks so much for your time.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Coincidences abound, or what would be coincidences if they were noticed. But many aren't noticed.
When they are noticed, it can be an indication that they mean something.
Unfortunately, I am unable to see a correlation between the numbers 10 and 4 and your boyfriend's numerology reading chart.
The two numbers added together and reduced to a single digit result in the number 5. This is a number of changes, trying new things, meeting new people, travel, writing, things and situations that result in new experiences.
Both you and your boyfriend have 5's in major positions.
Your boyfriend has the 5 as the life path (determined by the birth date). His life path will be one of adventure and exploration. The first vowel of his name is also the number 5, telling me that he is quite agreeable with the vibrations of his life path.
You have a 5 as the essence of who you are (determined by the number of your name). Although your life path has more to do with humanitarianism, wisdom, artistic expression, and spiritual healing (the number 9), it is quite compatible with the 5 vibration.
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