Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

4:44 Evening and Morning

I keep seeing 4:44 in the afternoon and see it in other places (computer, phone, street, etc.) and wake up at 4:44 am to go to restroom often. Why? Is there a message I'm missing?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 4 is associated with building for the future and paying attention to details. 444 is the 4 resonance tripled, but based on the creativity of the number 3.

The 3 is derived from reducing 444 to its essence:

4 + 4 + 4 = 12
            1+2 = 3

There are no 4's in major positions in your name or birth date. However, your birth date and the numbers derived from your birth date have much to do with the number 3.

The number 3 resonates with creative expression.

Your birth date number is the number 3. Also, your day of birth and your month of birth both reduce to the number 3.

The first two of your life path cycles are the number 3. And three of your four challenge numbers are the number 3.

The life path cycle numbers are derived from the day, month, and year of birth. They bring a broad influence to the period of the cycles. You are in your second life path cycle and it will be in force until 2037. The 3 life cycle number is the number of creative expression. Music, conversation, social interaction, sculpting, painting, these are all types of creative expression.

The challenge numbers also are derived from the day, month, and year of birth. But they are not cycles. Rather, the numbers represent the type of circumstances with opportunities to learn. The circumstances repeat time and again throughout the lifetime, or until they are fully accepted and dealt with. With three of the four challenge numbers being a 3, my impression is that creativity is indeed something you can learn and experience more fully. Until this is recognized, your expression (especially in social environments) may feel misdirected or repressed.

Two things to consider.

  • If you've been repeatedly seeing 4:44 only recently, it may be a natural cycle. Number repetition seems to occur in random cycles of varying lengths when one or a very few numbers occur in the environment more often than expected.

  • If you've been repeatedly seeing 4:44 for a longer period, more than several weeks, it may indeed be a message for you. Although I can't say what that might be using numerology.

On more thing to consider. If you questioned the meaning of seeing 4:44 so often when you first noticed it, your subconscious may continue to alert your conscious awareness whenever 4:44 is available to be observed. It is the subconscious' way of trying to get the question answered. In that case, there might or might not be a personal meaning in the repeated observations. Assuming a meaning and consciously believing the meaning may be sufficient to assuage the subconscious.

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