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Seeing 11 on Clocks, Mostly

For a few years now, I have been seeing the #11. I see it on clocks mostly, and have even woken up in the middle of the night quite a few times and the clock says 11 after. Now my daughter and my boyfriend are seeing it too. What is it trying to tell me??

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In Numerology I don't have the formulas to calculate what seeing 11 is trying to tell you. But I can talk about why a person repetitively sees the same number.

Also, perhaps reading about the meaning of the number 11 will help.

Generally, a person starts seeing a certain number repetitively when the number has personal meaning or emotional significance. Wondering why can cause a person to see the same number again and again.

Your numerology chart destiny number is the master number 11. That may have predisposed you to seeing the number 11 repetitively or to having more of an emotional connection with it.

Your power number, which will begin to be more energetic in a couple years, and your last pinnacle cycle number, a cycle which begins in eight years, are both also the master number 11.

Your daughter and boyfriend may be seeing the number 11 as often as they do from their emotional connection with the number because it relates to you.

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