Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Job and the Number 214
My husband is having and seems to have always have trouble with his jobs. Constantly being overlooked for promotions. Is this ever going to change? The number 214 keeps showing up in my life. Does this mean anything?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Calculating future job conditions is not easy with numerology. Unavailable is company name, type of job, boss and close co-workers' names and birth dates and, most of all, what your husband will do or not do in the intervening time. Maybe this this response to a a permanent job question can help.
The number 7 for husband's life path number tells me he tends to encounter events and circumstances that require thinking to solve, and analytical process and looking within for answers. Whether or not that information helps you answer your question depends on whether or not it applies to your husband's job or co-workers — information I'm not privy to.
The meaning of the number 214 resonates with the meaning of the number 7, the same number as your husband's life path. It's an introverted number, but both analytical and spiritual. It likes perfection and easy living. It's intuitive, somewhat romantic, and wise.
Your own life path number is the number 5. You're likely to have encountered many changes in our life. Changes seem to be attracted to you. That's likely to be the case for your entire life.
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