Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing My Birthday All the Time
I keep seeing my birthday all the time when I'm with my boyfriend. Even when I'm not with him I see it. What does that mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your birthday is special to you. It has personal meaning. When you see your birthday, you remember having seen it.
Numbers are all around us. Many people frequently see the numbers of their birthday. Some remember it and some don't.
For those who do remember it, it seems like they see their birthday all the time. Because they don't remember the other numbers they're seeing, it seems as if it's only their birthday that they are seeing.
It's the remembering part that makes the difference. And it's the numbers with current personal meaning or emotional significance that a person remembers.
Just a short time ago, you completed your second decade of life. For you, it is a date with sufficient personal meaning that you remember it when you see your birthday numbers.
Something that generally makes a person even more inclined to remember the numbers they see repeatedly is wondering if there's a reason for it. At that point, it becomes a mystery and whenever the number is seen again it almost certainly will be remembered. The person is sensitized to the numbers so much that their conscious attention is drawn to the number whenever they're available to be seen.
With both your personality and your life path number being the number 8, I understand that you feel an urge to be in control; and to be in control you need to understand what you're controlling.
Perhaps the above description of the mechanics of seeing certain numbers again and again provides enough information for you to understand what is going on.
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