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Seeing the Numbers 22, 222 and 22:22 Everywhere
I have embarked on a spiritual journey and have been seeing the numbers 22, 222 and 22:22 everywhere. Before my ex and I got back together, every time I saw her name, I saw the repeating 2's and still do in things like her status updates, our conversations and other things. What are the numbers trying to tell me in relation to my girlfriend and I? Been trying to figure this out but can't seem to find something accurate. Thank you in advance.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. Some of them are more readily remembered. Others are lost from conscious memory.
The primary reason a person remembers it when they see a certain number is because the number is notable — sufficiently so that seeing it is remembered.
Numbers that have a personal meaning are notable. In your case, your birth day number is the master number 22, as is your current life period cycle number. There may be other reasons the repetitive digit 2 is notable for you.
Numbers that have emotional significance are notable. Dates and times that are associated with significant personal events are an example.
Emotional significance is enhanced when a person wonders if seeing a certain number has meaning. The question is so closely related to personal well-being that it can't help but pile on the significance.
Another way numbers may be notable, and I don't think this reason applies to your question, yet mention it here for completeness, is the construction of the number. Consecutive incremental digits, all even or all odd digits, repetitive digits — those types of constructions may cause a person to notice them more than other numbers and, consequently, be more apt to remember seeing them.
Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time has more information about repeatedly seeing certain numbers.
You'll also want to read about the number 2 (representing the most relationship-oriented numerology energy of all), the number 22, and the number 22:22. They may provide some understanding about why those numbers are more notable for you than other numbers are.
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