Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Repetitively Seeing Numbers Composed of the Same Digit
I usually see the same numbers when ever I look at the clock like 1:11, 1:01, 2:22, 2:02 and many more. I usually see 5:55, 12:12, 1:11. Most of the times when I have researched on the 'net, somehow it depicts that angels want to communicate with me. These are the signs through which they say to communicate but I am not able to understand this logic. Moreover this happens to me whenever I'm off balanced in my life or going to have some major decision in my life. But anyhow I don't take that decision in this it all stops. So please help me out of this. Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because your heart's desire number is the number 6, you're likely to assign more significance to seeing those kinds of numbers repetitively than some other people would. Your first life period cycle is also the number 6, which augments the heart's desire energy.
The Seeing Numbers with All the Same Digits article I think will answer your question about the meaning of seeing those types of numbers repetitively.
For another point of view, also read Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time and other appealing articles linked to at the seeing the same number index.
In response to the angels part of your question, that's outside the field of numerology.
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