Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing 5:32 Every Evening
For as long as I can remember, I've always looked at the clock at 5:32pm. This is the time I was born. What could this mean? I've always wondered. I wasn't sure if it's from habit or what. My husband thinks I'm funny because almost every day when it is 5:32pm I always point it out to him. Just curious what it could mean. Thanks!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Meaningful connections associated with numbers seem to attract those numbers.
Attraction can be manifested by noticing the numbers when they exist in the person's environment. As in your case, a meaningful event at a certain time and noticing that time when it comes around.
As information for others who will be reading this response, attraction can also be manifested by a tendency to associate with people whose numerology chart numbers resonate with the meaningful connection.
There are several prominent positions in your chart with the number 5 — the first two pinnacle cycle numbers and the number representing your cornerstone letter. But no positions with the number 32. Therefore, the reason you're seeing 5:32 every evening is unlikely to be in your numerology chart.
The continued seeing of 5:32 may have some or much to do with the mystery of what it means. The mind is compelled to solve mysteries and one of its tactics is directing conscious attention to the very subject of the mystery. Perhaps one of the articles linked at the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers will help you solve the mystery.
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