Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing 11, 23, and 49

I keep seeing the numbers 11, 23 and 49. I mean I'm seeing them so much it's starting to freak me out. I feel like someone is trying to send me a message. I mean it's starting to affect me. Please give me some insight on this.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 11 and the number 23 are both found within your birth date. In addition, 11 is found in two other major positions of your numerology chart — your heart's desire and your destiny.

It's unsurprising that you are predisposed to noticing those numbers when they occur in your environment.

The number 49, however, I'm unable to find anywhere in your chart. Not even the single-digit number 49 reduces to, the number 4 (reduced like this: 4+9=13, 1+3=4). It's conspicuous by its absence.

Both 49 and 4 represent energies having to do with building a secure foundation for the future. It may be prudent to consider preparing for the future in a way that provides security.

Your power number energy became effective this year and will remain with you the rest of your life. Your power number is the number 3.

Your numerology chart tells me creative expression has been one of your challenges. With the power number 3, you're likely to be more creative than you have been. That creativity may be engaged to determine how you might build a secure foundation for the future.

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