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Cousin, Brother, and Self All Born On the 25th

I have a weird phenomenon in my family. My father and uncle each had 2 children within a 2 year span, making it 4 of us. However, one of us left to live with another parent and the 3 of us left behind were all born on the same day, different months. My cousin [birth name and birth date removed], then me, then [birth name and birth date removed] who moved away and my brother, [birth name and birth date removed]. I was wondering if this had any significance because in the past couple of years, I keep seeing my birthday, 11/25 numbers turn up everywhere.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It's likely that you're seeing those numbers when they're in your environment because they are numbers of your birth date. Like attracts like. Thus, you're more likely to repeatedly see numbers that are close to you.

The fact that your cousin and your brother were born on the same day of a month as you were makes the attraction stronger.

In addition to your birth month, the number 11 is also your personality number. Which provides even more attraction.

The number 25 and the number 11 are compatible. Which simply means their meanings are similar enough that they don't conflict.

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