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9:11 and Music

Every time I look at the clock for the past year or two, I always seem to catch the time at 9:11. Not thinking too much of it. I just thought it was a coincidence. But after so many times, I'm convinced it's deeper than that. I'm an unemployed musician working tremendously hard to be successful and things are starting to fall into place for me. My girlfriend ([name and birth date removed]) is also an unemployed musician, but as I stated before, everything is starting to fall into place for us. We've been dating for roughly 9 months but we've known each other for about as long as I've been seeing 9:11 on the clock. I mentioned my girlfriend because maybe she has something to do with it. I honestly need help because it's been driving me crazy. It could just be basic paranoia but I've been seeing 11:11 as well recently. If there's any info you can give, I will appreciate it. Thank you!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In numerology, the energy the number 9:11 represents, among other things, is teamwork, relationships, and humanitarianism.

There is also the number 9 to become familiar with and the number 11. And the master number 11.

The number 11:11 energy relates to, among other things, preparing a secure foundation for the future.

A person sees lots and lots of numbers. It is the unusual ones, or the ones that have personal meaning or emotional significance, that a person remembers seeing.

A reason people remember seeing a certain number again and again is two-fold. They see it, notice it as being unusual or as having significance, and remember seeing it. Then, if a person wonders why they remember seeing the number, it suddenly has increased significance, which makes it much more likely that the number will be remembered whenever it's seen in the future.

The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article further explains the concept.

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