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Why I Keep Seeing Our Birthdays
I keep seeing my birthday and my ex's birthday. His birthday is 04/04/1997. Mine is 06/04/1996. I will see 4644, 9644, 6497, 1197, or 1196 all day. I see 64 and 44 all day. Please help me understand why I keep seeing our birthdays.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In a moment I'll address the numerology energy that numbers represent.
But first, let me mention that wondering what it means is probably why you keep repetitively seeing those numbers. The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article describes how that works.
A person starts seeing certain numbers again and again by recognizing numbers that have a personal meaning, have emotional significance, or appear to be unusual.
You see, a person sees many numbers during the course of a day. Only a few are remembered, and they are the types of numbers mentioned above.
So when a person goes through the day and remembers seeing a certain meaningful number several times, and doesn't remember other numbers they've seen, then it feels like they're seeing that meaningful number all the time.
Then, when they wonder if there's a special message or meaning related to seeing that number all the time, it tunes the subconscious to be especially alert for that number. So as a person goes through their day, they see every possible instance of that number and remember each instance, more times than they did before.
Numerology numbers do have meanings in the sense that they represent certain energy. The energy has characteristics that are generally referred to as the meaning of the number.
The meaning might or might not be related to seeing the number repeatedly. It may seem as if it should, but that doesn't mean it actually does. Find out what the number means before making the determination.
The index to number meanings contains a list of articles that each address the meaning of an individual number. Find the number you're looking into and click the link. If your number isn't in the list, use the meaning of any number calculator.
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