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Always Seeing 23

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I always see the number 23. It first began when I met a friend who's last four digits of a phone number was 1123. I would see this number all the time, for instance on the clock. And for 24 hour time 11:23 is 23:23. Hear recently I was explaining this phenomonon in my life to a coworker who didn't believe in my connection to the number, until one day when we were splitting our tips, I received a dollar bill that had the number randomly written on it. Before This incident I had tried to point out all the times I saw the number once I was around my coworker. Anyhow, I see this number at least 3-5 times a day or more. I've been trying to research what it means and why it is significant to my life. I've read that it is about change, but things are always is change. I was hoping I could get a deeper meaning to the number. I have tried to think about new things in my life once I see the number, but I see this number everyday. I am lead to believe that once I start dating a new guy or have the slightest of interest I always see it even more. I'm really unsure if that's the case but it sort of seems that way. If anyone can give me some information on the number 23, that would be helpful. Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The numerology energy represented by the number 23 resonates with being inquisitive, doing things on a whim, and having a sense of personal freedom. Other resonances are also part of the energy. That link is to a web page with information about the 23 energy.

For information about why a person might see certain numbers all the time, see Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article for more information about that. And also Why You See Certain Numbers All the Time.

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